Monday, August 11, 2008

The ...if... concepts. -pt 1

...if dogs could talk.
i bet it would be interesting for about 13 minutes, and after 21 minutes we would instill a law to eradicate dogs from the earth.

...if no one ever covered their feet.
i think we would have more appreciation for a well structured foot.

...if we were colourblind.
the colour red wouldn't convey both sensual and thrilling emotions... cuz there wouldn't be any red.


Remember that song? The one that said, "The weather outside is frightful"? Well, today, I'm scared. The weather has stepped it up a notch in the fright department. It applied to the Department of Fright last year and was accepted. What I heard, was that it was quite a lengthy process; an application form; 2 interviews; a written essay. Ya, the weather had it hard.

I would think that the weather would be kinda conflicted. I mean, it's raining on people, causing depression, destroying plants and homes... the whole time, the sun is up there shining on the weather. The weather always has a great day.

But again, I'm scared. I'm scared for small rodents and bugs. It's gotta be hard to hold on in these high winds... and these death clouds have GOT to look huge!
...or maybe they have a great time on what we consider bad days. The wind blowing them around. They don't have roller coatsers like we do. This may be the only fun they get. Bug children teying to dodge rain drops.

I'm scared we don't fully understand the needs of insects and little furry rodents.

Bad, Time, BAD!! -pt 1

Time is my ENEMY!!
That is why I've decided to boycott it. From now on, I will not use time. In fact, I think boycotting it isn't enough. I'm madder than that. I need to do more!

I will KILL TIME!!
Look out Time, your... ah, time has come (mmm *note to self* - get new saying for that).

So, now, I have to find Time. I will start in the JUNGLE!! I'm not sure which one, maybe the one in Thailand... have you SEEN the Thai people?? They all look like children... they must KNOW Time. They're FRIENDS with Time. Time was kind to them.

---not done--- but if you wanna think of it as done, whatever bends your elbow... k, THAT didn't work. i had "whatever floats your boat" in my mind, but didn't want to use that...
whatever flips your pancakes...
whatever shuts your door...
whatever nukes your Mechelina's...
whatever builds your ikea desk...
whatever fluffs your pillow...
whatever cleans your glasses...
On the inside we are all mushy... and that's all that matters.

Subway Lady

Everyday there is a woman in the subway. She doesn't really move. No one sees her ride the subway. She's just down there, down in the subway. She doesn't even have a seat. She's on the floor, kinda like a musician, but she's not allowed to sit inside the yellow dots. Inside the yellow dots is off limits to her. That's for musical people who audition. She didn't audition. This is her life. No on auditions for life.

She's homeless. Most people either try not to look at her, avoiding her meager lifestyle; or they give her a dirty look. Some people give her change, but they can't help but think they are just fueling the fire. Not REALLY helping.

She doesn't look so beautiful now, but at one time she was really cute. When she was born she brought joy into someone's life. She was a cute little girl who laughed and played. She was someone's fun girlfriend.

She's my daughter... ok, so she's not MY daughter, but she's someone's.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Tasty Lips

i'm crying. why am i crying?? i HATE crying.

well, i suppose it has a lot to do with the fact that i don't have a bottom lip. i think, of both lips, it's the most important one. the top lip is lucky, it can hide in the shade of the nose. you can even grow a partial moustache... depending on how much of the top lip you have left.

but the bottom lip! if you lose that you're screwed! and i'm screwed! what am i going to do. i can't even eat soup! i LOVE soup!!

look at me! no, don't. maybe i can pass it off as a chin deformity. no. no one would believe that. you can see the teeth marks! well, at least when my friends go, "!!WHERE'D YOU'RE BOTTOM LIP GO!?", i can say, "it's in my stomach!"